Thursday, November 24, 2011

working girl

I got a job! I am a Legislative Assistant in the Minnesota Senate. I worked for the senator that I am working for right now two years ago, during the 2010 legislative session, when I was a committee page. I was excited when she asked me to interview for the position as her new L.A. It feels good to be a part of the DFL team again, especially during such an interesting (and, it has to be said, frustrating and contentious) time in Minnesota politics. 2012 is an election year, and it will be the DFL's second session in the minority (after nearly 40 years of being in the majority), so it's sure to be a challenging and interesting session. It will be even more exciting after the elections, when the DFL regains the majority! 

My senator has announced that she will not be running for re-election at the end of her term, so I know that my job will last only until December of 2012. Knowing that my job has an end date is forcing me to really think about what I want to do after this job. Do I want to stay in state politics? Do I want to more seriously consider a graduate program (I am waffling mentally between going for my Certified Nurse-Midwife dream, getting a Masters in Public Health with an emphasis in Maternal and Child Health, or, rather randomly, pursuing a Masters in Information and Library Sciences)? Do I want to postpone graduate school somewhat long-term, and instead focus on finding a job I love in politics, policy, non-profits, or publishing/writing? 

I am grateful to have found a job I enjoy, and I'm excited about the opportunities that this job will, I hope, open up for me. For now my plan is to help my senator have a great last session, learn as much as I can about state politics, network like crazy, find a volunteer position that is personally and professionally fulfilling, finish my B.A. (I have one last class next semester), develop a regular writing practice, take a letterpress class, and pursue my doula certification in the spring. As usual, there's a lot going on in my brain! 

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting time for you. Whatever path you choose, I know you'll be a success.


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